Series: Amazon ChroniclesJungle HeatJungle FireJungle BlazeJungle BurnThe Amazon ChroniclesSeries: Beneath the Broken MoonBeneath the Broken Moon: Part OneBeneath the Broken Moon: Part TwoBeneath the Broken Moon: Part ThreeBeneath the Broken Moon: Part FourBeneath the Broken Moon: Part FiveBeneath the Broken Moon: Season OneSeries: Courts of Light and DarknessCaptivatedSurrenderedSeries: Cry WolfThe Witch Who Cried WolfCold Moon RisingThe Wolf Who Played With FireHighland Moon RisingThe Selkie Who Loved A WolfThe Leopard Who Claimed A WolfThe Cry Wolf SeriesSeries: Edge of OblivionThe Assassin's MarkThe Thief's GambitSeries: Feral InkSkin DeepInked FurySeries: Hacked InvestigationsTechno CrazedSavage BytesInternet Dating for GnomesBlacklist RogueDigital SlaveSeries: SuperPoweredStolenOn Thin IceStand-Alone BooksMoonlit FeathersCaptive MoonlightSaved by MoonlightVera's Christmas Elf