Internet Dating for Gnomes

- Techno Crazed
- Savage Bytes
- Internet Dating for Gnomes
- Blacklist Rogue
- Digital Slave
Bernard decides to take his love life into his own hands. Who the gnome finds might be more interesting than he’d expected.
(Timeline note: This free read takes place prior to Chapter Four in Hacked Investigations 2: Savage Bytes.)
Bernard watched the door to the apartment close as Ian and Hannah left to follow a lead at the hospital. He rubbed his hands together mischievously. Time to have fun! The apartment was now his playground.
He eyed Ian’s computers in the home office corner of the living room. Little did the technomage know, Bernard watched Ian type in his password over and over again, one which he rarely changed. Silly hacker. Such confidence, only to be knocked down a notch by a gnome.
Cute little side story about Bernard, the Love Gnome. He's just so funny, you gotta love him! Takes place within the timeframe of Savage Bytes.