Happy Friday the 13th!

Okay so some people don’t think of it as a happy day since it’s known to be filled with superstition, but I’ve never really had bad things happen to me on the 13th. If anything, good stuff tends to happen to me! =) Yippee! I can’t wait to see what happens today.

Not too much has been going on recently. I’ve been writing more for the Book in 30 days program, and I’m in the process of sending out proposals for an anthology, so I’ll have to see what happens with that. I’m excited and utilizing my synopsis writing abilities. Yikes! Although, I admit, they’re not as scary as they seem. I’m not sure mine are the best, but… ah well.

There’s something exciting happening today! The Deadly Vixens has a Friday the 13th giveaway today! We’re giving away three ebooks, so come leave a comment for your chance to win!