Interview with Diane Taylor

Diane Taylor

Today and tomorrow I’m posting the interviews I did with Diane Taylor. At the time I did this, Diane was on the brink of getting her first novel published.

1. When/how did you know you wanted to write?

DT: I’m not entirely sure, exactly. I started out writing dark, gothic poetry when I was younger. I still have those poems hanging around my room somewhere. But I’ve always wanted to write at least one book. Something I can point to and proudly say, “I wrote that!”

At first I wanted to compile poetry into a book and try it that way. But now, I’m writing stories in the hope that at least one of them will be accepted into the great wide world of publishing. *grin*

2. How long did it take you to become published?

DT: I’m not published yet. I’m still working on polishing up the stories I do have out there.

I take that back. If you want to call having adult fan fiction posted on an over 18 story website, then yes, I’ve been there, done that. Hehehe. Other than that, I’m still working this part out.

3. Who are some of your favorite authors?

DT: Oh boy! you sure you want me to answer this one? hehe Okay, here we go. I have a lot of them, almost too many to list. I’m an ecclectic reader. Mercedes Lackey, Iris Johansen, Dara Joy, Christine Feehan, Laurell K. Hamilton, Sandra Hill, Nina Bangs and Johanna Lindsey are just a few of the ones I love to read. Oh, let’s not forget Nancy Collins. Like I said, I’m a pretty ecclectic reader.

4. Who do you count as your literary influences?

DT: I’d have to say my Mom, first of all. She’s the one who, even when I was a little kid, had an up-to-date library card. Always told me that if I didn’t know about something, to go to the library and look it up. Don’t get me wrong, she’d help me anyways, but she’s the one that turned me into a book addict. And now, as I’m writing, she’s always there on the Yahoo Messenger, supporting me.

After my Mom, I’m not entirely sure. I think all my favorite authors have a hand in guiding me as well with their stories. I get a feel for a storyline through them and I run with an idea that I have in my head.

5. Do you have a specific schedule in which you write?

DT: Schedule? What’s that? hehehe Actually it’s my Muse who makes his own schedule. Sometimes I’ll sit down and stare at the screen before calling up an online game or two. Other days I’ll be on a roll and belting out a storyline left and right.

It’s my Muse, I tell you.. it’s all HIS fault! *grinning*

6. What advice do you give to those who are just starting out or trying to become published?

DT: In a word? Write! No matter if it’s just a bunch of words on a screen. Write. Even if it’s just one creative sentence on a blank piece of paper. That is the best advice that one author can give to another. Write down your thoughts, feelings, ideas. Maybe find a picture or an item that you have around the house and write a short story about how it got there. But still, write.

7. Many authors are doing strictly e-books. Do you think this is just a trend, or does it spell the end of real books?

DT: Hard cover and paperbacks will always be around. There will never be any such thing as the end of real books because there are too many people who like to have the feel of an actual book in their hands as they sit, curled up in a chair with their coffee or cocoa or whatever. I’m one of them. I like getting lost in a book.

E-Books have their place in the universe as well. Sometimes a real book is too bulky to take somewhere while the e-book reader is flat and easy to carry with you.

It’s a toss up. Personally, if I’m given a choice, I’ll take real books. Others may choose E-books. It’s a preference each person has.

8. How long does it usually take for you to research a book?

DT: Actually, I write and do research at the same time. It’s kind of fun that way. If I’m up to a part in the book that I need some fact to go with the fiction, I open another window and go digging. I’ve been known to find the tiniest factoid in a remote corner of the Internet Universe that melds perfectly with what I’m doing at the moment. Then there are other times when I find a ton of info that would work on a sequel to the book I’m writing at the moment. It’s really kind of fun to see what interesting things I can come up with while writing stories. It’s great.

9. Do you see yourself writing in the same genre in 10 yrs? If not then what?

DT: Actually, yes. I do see myself writing in the same genre ten years from now. Romance, Adventure, Intrigue, paranormal, with a slight sensual bend. Yep. That’s my type of genre.

My husband thinks I’m insane, my brother thinks I’m warped. But hey, it works! *evil grin*

10. Do you have any future projects? If so, tell us about them.

DT: Well, as of the moment, I have three pieces in the works:

The Montegard Files: Shadow Demon
Terri Montegard is a photographer hired by her half-sister to photograph her and her wealthy and politically correct Fiance’ Cosar Mentari on their trip to Kamakura Japan. Tragedy strikes when an explosion rocks a celebration, killing Cosar, her half sister, and leaving her severely injured. As she is healing, she is plunged into a world of the Yakuza, of the mechanations of a Wealthy Patriarch, Corruption, and murder. The only one who can keep her sane through all this is the one man that the Japanese call the Kage Oni. The Shadow Demon

Lion’s Eye
Jessie Brightman is an Empath and Telepath. Plagued by sensual visions of tawny golden eyes, a rumbling purr and the feel of fur against her skin, she seeks out a friend who mysteriously drags her off to see a shaman for help. Told to follow the urgings of her dreams and given a mysterious stone to wear to help her on her way, she finds herself on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, fighting for her life against a huge lion. Gravely injured, she is rescued by a mysterious man that seems to draw out her primal side. As she heals, her attraction to the mystery man will endanger them both. And the only thing between a bunch of corrupt federal thugs and the abyss of death.. is the Lion’s Eye.

This last one doesn’t have a name yet. But I’m working on it.
Follow Diane Taylor * Yes, I used my real name in this story* as she gets caught up in a sensual and erotic affair with Stephen Samios, an author and poet of some of the darkest and wickedest topics you could ever sink your teeth and hands into. An independantly wealthy and famous man, they encounter each other in a pool hall. Actually, that happens only after she gets her face sliced open by a drunk and faints in his arms. But hey, how romantic can you get? This story will take you from the streets to LA, to Castille de la Luna just outside of Barcelona, and various other locations. Trust me, It’s going to be fun. I haven’t decided where it’s all going to end up. But I’m sure my Muse will help me out.

Interviewed by Sarah on 2/8/04.


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