My Goals for 2009

Well, I figure I’m covering a topic that’s really popular this time of year, but I haven’t really discussed mine yet. One thing I’ll mention before jumping into it, is that goals are important. People who set goals (and write them down) are more likely succeed than people who don’t.

I wish I could find the list of my 2008 goals, but I know that I accomplished some special landmark events. Earning my Bachelors of English with an emphasis in Creative Writing, having my debut ebook, Melody of Love, be accepted and released, teaming up with three wonderful women to form The Deadly Vixens, I completed two full-length novels, as well as other things I probably forgot to mention.

So, for this year, I’m aiming even higher.

  1. Get my novella accepted by a publisher.
  2. Finish three books (two of which I’ve started).
  3. Get an agent.
  4. Get more involved in the writing community and network.
  5. Read more.
  6. Be more consistent with my blog and
  7. Build more of a web presence.

I’m very excited about the year ahead, and I hope to share it with all of you.


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