Naughty New Years Blog Hop + Winner Announced
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all started it off naughtily! 😉 If so, let’s see if we can keep that vibe going all year.
Hmm… Naughty New Years… My naughty New Years resolution for 2013 is simple. I want to write a lot more sexy werewolves. Yum! I’m not setting myself up for failure with that one. *grin* My non-writing resolution is to read more this year. Yep, you guessed it, I’m looking for sexy werewolves. Know of any?
Passions sizzle even between a feline and a wolf…
Angelique had no idea her black panther tattoo would force her to abandon the love of her life—Connor O’Reilly—but she’s determined to keep him safe no matter how much it hurts. Her tattoo doubles as her feline familiar: loving, protective, dangerous, and with a life of its own. It’s also her deepest secret and draws enemies who desire its power for themselves.
Connor has no idea why Angelique left him, but he’s determined to win her back. As a werewolf, he has secrets of his own. Now his alpha is ready to force him to pair with an ex-girlfriend he can’t stand unless he can find Angelique and claim her as his mate. But even as their secrets threaten to keep them apart, hidden enemies seek to destroy their chance at love forever.
So, how about you? What are your naughty resolutions for 2013?
Also, the grand prizes for the hop include a $100 gift card to EdenFantasys and a digital gift basket of 10 erotica books. All comments across the blog tour are entered. For more information on that, click here.
I plan on being lazy and partying day and night 😉
I plan on taking a river cruise in Europe.
debby236 at gmail dot com
Have a summer fling and travel 🙂
I also want to be shamelessly lazy 😀
Thanks for the fun!
Read inside with the a/c on. Thanks for the hop.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Read by the pool, a lot. (:
To take a chance when the opportunity arises 😉
chelseawoodring at hotmail dot com
To get healthier so I can have more fun! 😉
georgiabloom at gmail dot com
To try to relax.
Hi! Happy New Years! Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! I love these hops! I always meet new authors, reconnect with old ones and my TBR list grows by leaps and bounds! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many blessings to you!
To try to be sexy or at least feel like I am.
I usually don't make resolutions because I never keep them! But I hope to read a lot more naughty books 🙂
Join the gym and stick with it! Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year!!!!! I can't wait for all the new books that will be coming out in 2013!
Just relax and read when I can…
read, read, read; thanks for the hop, cant wait to see who wins
vera28546 at yahoo (dot)com
I plan on taking a river cruise in Europe.
To read more~!!!!! I know really naughty right!
Just read more naughty books! Happy New Year and thanks for the giveaway!
pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com
To relax more and read some more naughty books 🙂
My naughty resolution is to visit a kink club this year.
More 'alone time' with my husband. 😉
Have a naughty new year and thanks for the giveaway!
always.and.never AT gmail DOT com
I'm going to work on being more dominant.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy New Year!
I want to try and feel sexier…whatever I need to do to get there 🙂
I don't do resolutions – less chance of failure that way. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy New Year.
Nothing naughty…sadly.
Thank you for the giveaway!
uilani25 (at) hotmail (dot) com
didn't make any resolutions this year, happy new year and thanks for the giveaway! – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I have one is be more aggressive 🙂 I think my DH would enjoy that.
Rafflecopter Name:Dawna Newman
Thanks for the giveaway!! I haven't really made any naughty resolutions, except to read more naughty books.
To read more naught books.
To expand my naughty book adventures.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com
Happy New Year! No naughty resolutions except for reading!
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
my hubs and i are both educators, so having this whole summer to ourselves should be sizzling!! thanks for the hop. happy 2013.
pepperpenn42 at gmail dot com
read more naughty books…(smile!)
I don’t make New Years resolutions, naughty or otherwise anymore. I am going to try to pay off at least one of the credit cards though. Wishing you good things and much success this year. Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win. <^_^>
Didn't make any resolutions this year. But I think after this hop I'll be adding more erotic reads to my list.
Thanks for the hop.
Saschwager at Juno dot com
My goal for 2013 is to be more sexually active. I didn't follow through on my 2012's.
Happy New Year!!
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
I am doing a pinup photoshoot in Feb with 5 other ladies… Thanks for being part of the blog hop.
to spend more time with my door locked if you know what i mean
kaholgate at ymail dot com
To take care of myself and be more comfortable in it.
Reading more.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
To be open and honest about what I want and finding a sexy dom would be great too 😉
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
To read more naughty books and maybe do some reenactments! Thanks! saltsnmore at yahoo dot com
I'm going to be more adventurous.
dancingcelt at gmail dot com
don't have resolutions
Happy new year!
Nothing naughty, just trying to get a new job. Thanks!
no resolutions
Happy New Year!!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Hmmmmm naughty? Not so much. I think I am just getting too old for that kind of stuff. 🙂 Well in real life anyways. Thanks so much for being a part of the hop and for the giveaway.
Happy New Year,
My naughty resolution is to have more one on one time with my husband 😉
I don't really make new year resolutions 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com
My naughty resolution is to surprise my husband more. With all the hot reads I devoured last year, let's just say that he's not complaining about all the reading that I'm doing. I've gotten alot of ideas & still plan on trying some out. Thanks for being part of this hop.
JessieL62 at comcast dot net
Thanks for doing the hop!! This New Year I resolve to be extra naughty and really earn my spankings!!
So, many great new authors and book to add to my TBR pile and stalk after this hop!
No naughty resolutions except to win some books or gift cards–Beth
I don´t give resolutions, but i plan on reading more and naughtier!
Love this, =) thanks for the giveaway & Happy New Year!
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com
Be naughtier than last year and read. Happy New Year!
I've already broken my book-buying resolution… Happy New Year!
jochibi AT yahoo DOT com
I haven’t thought about a naughty resolution, but I don’t mind starting now. I think I want to start attending kink related activities.
Wishes for many naughty adventures in the new year.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
To be naughtier this year.
Hi! Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing in the hop!
Thanks for being the Naughty Blog Hop,