Cry Wolf Series News

Hey there,

And I’m back with more news!

Last week, I wrote about how I was dipping my toes into the waters with getting back to my writing business. Not only did I survive the week, but it’s been really fun getting back into things! 🙂

Something else I mentioned last week was that I’d be participating in National Novel Writing Month in November. After puzzling over what book to write and what it should be about, I’m thrilled to say that outline for Cry Wolf 7 is done! That’s pretty awesome. I’d initially thought aiming to have it complete by October 30th would be optimistic.

The story will be about Kelly and Jacob. So far, the plan is it will pick up directly after The Wolf Who Played With Fire. If you’ve read the first three books, you’ll probably know what I mean. I’m imagining this book as the bridge between the events of the first three books to the present with the Scottish Pack’s trilogy.

Speaking of the Scottish Pack, I haven’t forgotten about Cry Wolf 6. Before I took a break from writing, I’d been in the process of going over the edits from my editor. I’ve picked up on completing that while I’ve been planning the book six. More news on it soon!

Until Next Time,
