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Not too much new…

Back to Tampa, yet again! First I was in Europe then I came back to Tampa, and then I went to Arizona. Now I am back in Tampa! Hooray that will be the last time I’m going to really be traveling outside of Florida. While I was in Arizona, I entered another RWA contest. This time the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal one.

Not too much else, except now I’m back to editing my novel and hoping to start plotting my next one soon.


  1. I didn’t get to talk to you at the TARA meeting, but I wanted to ask all about your trips! Will you be posting any photos or anything?

  2. Welcome home!! Since I wasn’t at the TARA meeting I didn’t get to find out all about the wedding and the trips.

    Do you have pics? Of the wedding and/or the trips?

    My daughter lives in Arizona and the first time I went out there I was not expecting the beauty of the area.

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