The Reading Blitz Continues…

And surprisingly, I’ve already finished reading my “reading quota” of the month so far with it being just over the middle of the month. Wow! I’m a little surprised. Those two books being Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews and Full Moon Rising by Keri Arthur. Both were great. I actually finished Full Moon Rising last night during the wee hours of the night. This year I’ve been trying to read more, and I made an insane goal at the beginning of the year to read at least 24 books this year, making it two books a month. Though I really have a stack of 30 sitting in the TBR pile. I’ve actually read 8 books so far (7 spec fiction and 1 historical category romance). I’m amazed by that number, especially considering it’s only April. My husband reads very fast, so I get frustrated by my lack of being able to speed through pages since I have a ton of books. And there are always new ones coming out. It makes me very pleasantly surprised that it’s one more goal that I’ve been keeping with this year.