Rockin’ Reads Giveaway Hop

Rockin' Reads Hop

Hey everyone,

I’m part of the Rockin’ Reads Hop hosted by The Herd Hops. I’ve read several books this year, and surprisingly, I’m well ahead of where I should be for my goal. I’m one book away from finishing it. Basically, I’d hoped to read 26 books this year, and I’ve read 25. But I digress…

RivardThe book I’ve read this year that really rocked was Viola Rivard’s Claimed by the Alphas serial. I started reading it, and I could barely stop until I’d gotten through the set. The plot, the characters, the way she describes the werewolves… Heck, even the cover! All of it was rockin’. It was my first time reading one of Viola’s books, but it definitely made me dig into her other books.

How about you guys? What’s your rockin’ read of the year?

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    1. duh. Need to read this more carefully. I’m just getting into the rock and roll romance genre now, but my favorite read so far this year is probably Blood Soaked Ashes.

      1. Awesome! I haven’t really read many rock star books either. I did write one a while back, but it’s buried on my hard drive now. 🙂 I’ll have to check out Blood Soaked Ashes! It sounds really good.

  1. I read vert fast and have so many books this year that I loved that I can’t pick just one,shifters have been and still are my favorites,however for what has got me rocking my reads this year has been the scifi romances which I just discovered this year,it started with Mina Carter’s Lathar series which I adored and celia kyle writing as erin tate and i was hooked and have been looking for all the scifi romances that i can find so i guess rather than one book it would be one category lol. sorry this is in all caps the button is stuck and I have to have somebody come over and unstick it!!!!

  2. Ah that is just too hard for me because I read and review. I am waiting on Joanne’s new book. Have been lovin the Wiccan Haus series on book five for review. lovin rebecca royce rerelease the warrior series with new covers. heather long’s and lia davis books.

  3. My Rockin’ reads are ANYTHING by Celia Kyle or Shelly Laurenston/G. A. Aiken. Just finished “Impawsable” and “Howl My Name”, both by Celia Kyle, and just picked up “Protecting A Mate”, also by Celia Kyle. I am waiting not so patiently for the next Dragon Kin book “Feel the Burn” to come out by G. A. Aiken.
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  4. I am currently reading “rescued by the dragons” shapeshifter by Lisa Cartwright. I haven’t read to many music related books but i am beginning to think i might want to check them out. Thank you for this chance and good luck everyone!!

  5. I’ve had so many wonderful reads this year. I can’t pick just a single great read, so I’ll tell you a recent great read or two. I just finished lisa Kessler’s harvest moon and it was wonderful. I also recently finished john connelly’s night music and it was outstanding.

  6. My Rockin’ Reads so far this year are Styxx ( Dark Hunter series) by sherrilyn Kenyon and Pirate’s Alley by Suzanne Johnson.

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