RWA Nationals Day Two

So last night with uber-confidence in my ability to not need much sleep, I figured that I would be able to go to the RWA Annual General Meeting this morning from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Eh… didn’t happen. I underestimated my love of sleep. So when the alarm went off this morning, I reset it. (Mind you, since I’m local and not staying in the hotel, I can’t just wake up at 9:00 AM and be bouncing off, that alarm went off at about 7:15 AM. I have to count in plenty of time to drive there as well.)

Once I pulled myself from slumber at 10:30 AM, and after getting ready, I was headed toward the hotel for Day 2. I made it to the Keynote Luncheon with wide eyes and a touch of frustration at the fact that I couldn’t pinpoint anyone I even faintly knew. Got seated and ate, then it was time for Nora Roberts’s speech. It was absolutely fantastic and very timely. She was smart and very witty.

After that was the PRO retreat. I struggled between going to workshops or going to the PRO retreat, but after reading more about what was going to be discussed at the retreat, I went with it. It was great. Donald Maass was funny and gave a great keynote speech. Stephanie Feagan spoke as well, telling her story about how she was the winner of a RITA in 2006 and then orphaned after Silhouette Bombshell closed its doors. Then she had to struggle to get another agent after her agent wouldn’t represent a women’s fiction book she’d written, and she had to query 101 different agents just to find another one who would take her in, which is crazy since she won a RITA, one would think it would’ve been easier for her. Really good timing since I have learned how querying agents isn’t a walk in the park. The editor and agent panels were informative and answered some great questions.

When that was finished, I went to the Cabana Bar and hung out with my critique partner and two other authors for a while until it was time for the Moonlight Madness Bazaar. I parted ways with them and saw what all was going on up there. It didn’t have as much as I’d have figured there would be, but I saw a neat leather bracelet maker that I’ll have to look up online. Then I went downstairs and sat in the lobby for a little bit before going home.

Now I’m off to bed!