Six Sentence Sunday 4

Hi there everyone! It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done this, and I’ve really missed it. So this week, I’m making sure to dive back into Six Sentence SundayClick here to view my previous entries.

Quick note to set it up. This book is from my latest release just out this week called Savage Bytes. It’s book two in my cyberpunk romance series, Hacked Investigations. It’s probably better to read them in order. Hannah Franklin is a private investigator, and Ian Bradley is a technomage and now her partner (romantic and professionally).

Hannah Franklin froze in the doorway of Ian Bradley’s weight room. Ian lay shirtless on the bench as he pressed the bar into the air over his muscular chest. With each rep he did, the muscles in his chest rippled deliciously. She licked her suddenly dry lips and cleared her throat.

His gaze caught hers, and he smiled. He rested the weight on the stand. “Hey, is everything okay?” He sat up and wiped his palms on his khaki cargo shorts.

Savage Bytes available from Changeling Press.