Smoking Saturday… Paranormal Bad Boy Fest!

It’s SMOKING SATURDAY where Bad Boys of paranormal romance come out to play! You don’t want to miss the sizzle and howl. And if you’re lucky, you just might find an alpha male scratching at your door. Because romance authors are sharing their blurbs here today. And you never know what might catch your eye. *wink*

Any paranormal romance (erotica) author is welcome to join in the fun. How to participate…

  1. Just grab the graphic above & post the event details and graphic on your blog inviting paranormal authors to post blurbs/buy links on your blog post through midnight, January 21, 2011.
  2. Don’t forget to include the blurb and buy links to your romantic paranormal bad boy tale in the post.
  3. Finally, leave your blurb and buy link to your story here (NO EXCERPTS please) & the url to the event at your blog so all the participating authors can post their blurbs and buy links there as well!

SMOKING SATURDAY ends at midnight, January 21, 2011!

My Paranormal Bad Boy… Kyle Reynolds, leader of the werepumas

Amazon Chronicles 2: Jungle Fire, available at Changeling Press and All Romance eBooks (coming soon to BN and Amazon)

The leader of a Pride of werepumas must win his lady’s love, or she could be taken from him forever.

In the Amazon Rainforest, traditions are important. They’ve long lead to survival for the Amazon warrior women.

Kyle Reynolds, ruler of the werepumas, is ready to fly in the face of those treasured customs for the love of Rubia Costa who will soon be out of his grasp if he can’t win her affection before allies of the Amazons steal her away from him forever.

Read an excerpt

Praise for Jungle Fire

“…a fast-paced story that is filled with a sexual tension between Kyle and Rubia that you can almost feel and a lot of action.”
— Janie Esparza, The Romance Studio

“I liked both Rubia and Kyle… their romantic connection was hot. Readers looking for a pleasant half hour read will enjoy JUNGLE FIRE.”
— J9, The Romance Reviews


  1. Thanks for joining in the fun, Sarah!

    Werescape Book 1: COUGAR (psychic werewolves)

    Consumed by their raw attraction, they misread what stalks them in the wilderness.


    Post-apocalyptic Earth: after alien invasion, AEI, 2064 AD, The Wild

    With her beloved Shifter mate two days in Oregon's ground, Sierra must choose to live or die. She has two options–join a Shifter clan by choosing a mate or live alone. Life is dangerous for a woman after the extraterrestrial invasion. Women choose protection in a group or are sold into slavery, even to the aliens. She opts for the protection of the clan, him.

    He's glorious. Empathetic. And resolved to mark her. He will not lose her. Jackal, the powerful right-hand Shifter of the clan's leader, her brother-in-law, is determined she will be taken care of properly as mates aren't easily come by. Especially in The Wild. But they just met, and she fights mating in her early stages of mourning. Honor-bound with a vow made over his brother's death bed to see her safe, he internally swears to win her love. Whatever it takes.

    But she harbors a dangerous secret. Born a Cougar, she dares not risk revealing she's a Shifter, or bounty hunters will descend upon the remote mountain village to capture her for extraterrestrials. Villagers would die in the attacks. However, her Cougar rises up to claim Jackal for its mate. Shifter meets Cougar. Cougar claims her mate. Never-ending fireworks mark their raw attraction. But when the post-apocalyptic world is determined to tear them apart, will Normals, Shifters, or aliens win? Bet your money on COUGAR.

    Werescape Book 1
    Author: Skhye Moncrief
    Rating: Carnal/Spicy
    Genre: paranormal/futuristic romance
    Mid-length novel

    ***Warning: Heroine mates with hero in his Wolfskin.

    Nominated 2011 Best Erotic Paranormal Shifter Romance at The Romance Reviews

    READ CH. 1 at—werescape-cougar.aspx

    Read more SMOKING excerpts at

    Post a blurb/buy link for your Paranormal Bad Boy at my blog…

  2. Thanks Sarah! 🙂


    Lord Jeremy North's curse is to become a werewolf during every full moon, turning into a bloodthirsty monster that kills with no remorse. When he finds a woman nearly frozen upon his doorstep, his sense of honor compels him to help her, even at the risk he might kill her himself.

    Lillian Merriweather hadn't planned to get caught in a blizzard while traveling the English countryside. Nor had she planned on finding refuge in a house full of secrets. But Lillian has secrets of her own. And what she's running from is not far behind…

    Available at:

    The Wild Rose Press:


  3. I love the look of your blog!

    Here's my favorite bad boy right now:) You notice I say "right now." LOL


    Blurb: Katherine has had a hard time finding work, mostly because she’s a vampire. Turns out, people aren’t clamoring to work with the undead. She goes to the massive theme park, Notte Oscura, as a last resort. What Katherine doesn’t realize is, there’s a lot more waiting for her than just a job.
    Genre: Erotic paranormal romance
    Length: Mid-novel

    Purchase link:

    You can post blurbs on my blog as well at:

    Thank you!

  4. Werescape 3: BEAUTY & THE BRUTE
    In a world where ride or die becomes your only hope for a future, sometimes you find you never really lived until you're running for your life.

    Post-apocalyptic Earth, after alien invasion, AEI, 2065 A.D., The Conquered

    Fight or die is the way of the world AEI.

    Shoot first and ask questions later becomes Lady Lorelei's reality when overhearing her adopted warlord father's plan of placating the aliens in saving his little slice of The Conquered. A plan where she is given to the aliens. Betrayed by the unthinkable sentence, she bolts for her life. Without any weapons, food, or survival skills suited for life outside the warlord's mansion, her journey only proves post-apocalyptic Earth desperately needs one thing–women. Breeders. Whores. The hottest commodity on the planet.

    Wandering Shifter Brutus, a powerful loner renowned for his hatred of Normals, is the only thing capable of securing her idea of freedom. But he has no patience for females and their wiles. Only a handful of Shifter females are known to exist. The rest are Gods-be-damned Normals–a pack of animals that would feed upon their young to profit. But when Lorelei achieves the impossible and escapes the warlord's city, Brutus can't refuse the one thing forcing him to pull her up behind him on the saddle and head deep into The Wild. His inner Wolf intends to mate her. But mating a Normal isn't on his priority list.

    More than Brutus' Wolf is chasing Beauty's tail. Neither expects the dark cloud lurking on the horizon. In a world where ride or die becomes your only hope for a future, sometimes you find you never really lived until you're running for your life. Life changes in a heartbeat AEI because nature has a funny way of righting her status quo. Even if that feat requires digging into the chasm, to the animal buried inside Lorelei and Brutus, to trigger the Mating Fever between BEAUTY AND THE BRUTE.

    Length: Mid-Novel, 64K words, 275 pages (print length)
    Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
    Rating: Erotica
    ***Warning: Heroine has sex with hero in his Wolfskin.
    Read 1st Chapter–the-brute-post-apocalyptic-werewolves.aspx

    Additional excerpt—beauty–the-brute-futuristic-werewolves.aspx

    "In the third book of the Werescape series, Moncrief delves into the hidden agenda of the aliens. …a vivid picture of a love that grows in spite of everything that tries to destroy it. This book is filled with lots of action and sex hot enough to melt its pages. What does the future hold for the Werescape?" 4.5 stars ~Candy,

    Buy On Kindle

    Buy other formats at

    Authors: join in the Blurb Fest by leaving your blurb/buy link/blog url at

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