Speculative Romance Challenge 2012

Okay, so here’s my list for Book Chick City’s Speculative Romance Challenge 2012. I’ll be updating it each month as I complete new novels. I’m going to try to go the distance with reading and do better this year than I did in 2011. Let me know if you’re participating as well!

To Be Read:

  1. Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon
  2. Stripped by Julie Leto
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. TBA
  7. TBA
  8. TBA
Completed (in order of read):

  1. Dark Lies by Vivi Anna
  2. Touch of Darkness by C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp
  3. Tor by Lynn Lorenz
  4. Night Thief by Lisa Kessler


  1. Thanks, Kinley! I'm looking forward to it. Kind of intimidated by my goal of 36 books this year, but I think I can do it. 😀 I'll definitely let you know if I read any must-reads!

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