I figured it’s pretty timely for me to talk about revisions since I just finished some for Hacked Investigations 2: Savage…
And the Waiting Begins
Hey everyone! Right when I state my great intentions last week of sticking with Monday blogging, I slack yesterday. Okay,…
Oh, The Ways to Revise…
So, I seem to have made it a habit to blog on Mondays. I think I’ll keep with that! =)…
The End!
Last night, I wrote The End on my cyberpunk romance novella. Woohoo! Afterward, it felt like a weight had been…
Busy, busy…
This month looks like it’s not letting up. I’m busy, busy, busy! But what better way to start a new…
The Year in Review… and Looking forward to 2011
Happy New Year everyone! Wow, I can’t believe that the year is almost over. So much has happened this year. I’ve…
Making progress…
Although, why is it that I’m feeling more stress about getting things done this month than I have in a…
I’m actually beginning to feel productive, even though I’ve been working pretty hard on my paranormal romance novella. Yesterday, I…
The Things You Learn On Twitter…
It’s National Punctuation Day! lol I didn’t know there was a day dedicated to punctuation, but I guess it makes…
A Weekly Update…
So, for now with the pressure of moving, helping with the awesome new fantasy-focused blog Castles & Guns (You should check…