Now that the World Cup is over (Yay Spain!), I have less to distract me from the RWA National Conference…
Goodness… Naming a blog post can leave me scratching my head sometimes. Argh… lol Anyways, I’ve been feeling under the…
Wow, it’s already the end of February! This weekend has been great. I’ve finally finished polishing my first novel in the…
Editing again
Crawling out of my blogging hole again to say hello and update. I’ve been working on my urban fantasy novel…
Fun with Facebook!
So, I’ve been having a lot of fun today with Facebook and the different Vampire/Slayer/Zombie/Werewolf applications, which is neat since…
February goals
So, I went over my goals and have decided that in February I’m going to do the Book in a…
Insomnia and the editing groove
As you can tell by the time this was written, and the title, yep… I’ve got a small case of…
Hello again…
Happy New Year everyone! Recently I’ve decided that I’m going to start blogging again on my own blog. Not sure…
Website updates, etc
Hi everyone! I did a few updates to my website today, so make sure to check them out. I’ve added…
Writing progress/Special news
I’ve been working on my next novel recently, which is one that actually was the first novel I ever started.…