I haven’t been paying as much attention as I want to, to social networking recently, which means that my blog,…
The Reading Blitz Continues…
And surprisingly, I’ve already finished reading my “reading quota” of the month so far with it being just over the…
Rising up from the depths…
So things have been pretty interesting around my household recently, and my sleep schedule has been all over the map.…
Just finished reading…
A Hunger Like Fire by Greg Stolze. This is a World of Darkness, Vampire: The Requiem (RPG) novel that I…
Just Finished Reading…
Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews. This is the second book in the Kate Daniels series with Magic Bites being the…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I hope everyone has had an awesome St. Patrick’s Day. Mine consisted of meeting my trainer and having a nice…
Just finished reading…
Kiss Me Deadly by Michele Hauf. I started this book in February, but between revising the novel I’m currently querying…
Better late than never!
I’ve signed up for the Speculative Fiction Challenge 2010. Yes, it is March, but I still have plenty of time…
Just finished reading…
Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs.I really enjoyed reading Ms. Briggs book Moon Called, the first book in the Urban Fantasy…
It’s February already!
First off, Happy Groundhog day! Every February 2nd Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his burrow to see if he can…