Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos Hey everyone! I’ve been quiet and pretty busy lately since I’ve had a lot of…
Looking for Agents and Editors?
Recently at Castles & Guns, there have been several visiting the blog. I’m thrilled with the wealth of knowledge brewing…
And the Waiting Begins
Hey everyone! Right when I state my great intentions last week of sticking with Monday blogging, I slack yesterday. Okay,…
And an update!
So, as you might’ve seen I had a “revise and resubmit for novella” on my blog. I’ve completed that, and…
I’m actually beginning to feel productive, even though I’ve been working pretty hard on my paranormal romance novella. Yesterday, I…
Revised query, check!
I hope everyone had a Happy Father’s Day yesterday! Today I’ve spent some time revising my query letter, which has…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I hope everyone has had an awesome St. Patrick’s Day. Mine consisted of meeting my trainer and having a nice…
Happy Friday the 13th!
Okay so some people don’t think of it as a happy day since it’s known to be filled with superstition,…
Hello again…
Happy New Year everyone! Recently I’ve decided that I’m going to start blogging again on my own blog. Not sure…