This year, I had a few setbacks with figuring out which story I was going to work on. Some years,…
Praise of Nano and the End of Day 1
2010 marks the sixth year that I’m done National Novel Writing Month. Honestly, I think NaNoWriMo is a fantastic way…
Entertaining and Informative from Twitter this week
So, I’m a proud Tweeter. I think it’s a great way to network and keep up with what’s going on.…
Entertaining and Informative this from Twitter this week
I’ve gotten back to using Twitter, and I have once again become emerged in the brilliant information those that I…
Valuable Lesson Learned…
Don’t forget to hit SAVE every once in a while! That charming little autorecovery save feature in Microsoft Word is…
Interesting Links and Information
As I said yesterday, I find all kinds of interesting links and information while on Twitter, so I thought I…
Why Do Writers Keep Rejections?
After getting Twitter a few weeks, I’ve been learning and taking in lots of information from the published authors, publishers,…
Character research
As I’m writing my work-in-progress, I still do character research. Sometimes this comes at interesting times like when I’m watching…
Reasonable word count goal = Win
I’ve been keeping with my word count goals, and writing at least 1k each day. I had initially came down…
Class is over…
I had thought wrote a blog toward the beginning of the month about being involved in the excellent Empowering Character’s…