Today has been quite a day! I finished my first round of edits for MOL and sent them back to my editor. Now I’ll be waiting to see what she thinks of them. Woohoo! I also worked on my book trailer for MOL. Yippee! So far it’s looking good, in my humble opinion! I still have a few things to edit and tweak with it before I’ll post it, but there shouldn’t be too long of a wait.

Also, for those interested, I will be participating in the Dragon’s Den radio program for Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio on March 4th at 8 p.m. EST. The link is

And then I will be participating in a chat at Romance at Heart Magazine for Firedrakes Weyr authors on March 11th at 8 p.m. EST. The link for that is

That’s all I can think of for now!

‘Night =)