
Hi everyone! I’m still alive! *grins* Finals week is next week and I’ve been dealing with all of the end of term papers that go along with that. I do have some exciting updates! Today I finished editing one of my novellas, NotT. I’m planning on submitting it as soon as I get my edits into the computer and my CPs have time to get it back to me. Hooray!

I’m so excited that Supernatural is back on tonight! Woohoo! I so love that show!

Tomorrow I’ll be blogging at The Deadly Vixens. Make sure to go over and leave me a comment.

Also, if you haven’t signed up for the mailing list, make sure to do so before the 30th as I will be announcing the winner of this month’s prize for signing up for the mailing list that will occur monthly that day here on my blog, and then sending out my first newsletter on May 1st (also announcing the winner there) with an excerpt from my newly edited novella and more! =)