Weekly Wrap Up + Another Award!

funny pictures - To remove writer's blockHappy Friday everyone! It’s that time again for a Weekly Wrap Up. I hope everyone has had an awesome, productive week. The kitty has advice for anyone who might not have been so fortunate.

As for me, I’ve been putting my Work-In-Progress on hold for now while I do… ta-da… edits, which I’m very near completion on!

Here’s my current progress for the WIP, in case you’re curious.

7015 / 25000 words

Interesting Link:

Have any interesting links you’ve found? Let me know! How have you progressed through this week?

And now onto the award! Thank you very much, Inger (Canyon Girl)! I’m honored that you chose me for this. =)

So, for this, I have to tell five things about myself.

  1. I really enjoy learning more about the craft of writing.
  2. I keep alternating between being giddy with excitement and nervous about my upcoming release, Techno Crazed.
  3. I’ve most recently been switching between playing The Sims 3 and The Sims Medieval when I need to relax or have some fun. 
  4. I’ve been listening to a lot of trance music on Pandora Radio while writing and editing.
  5. I’m very happy, excited, and grateful for all of the great things that have happened so far this year and the things still to come.
I’m passing the award to:
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! See you on Monday!


  1. Awwww thanks for the pretty blog award Sarah!!! You rock!!! 🙂

    Good luck with the edits!!! I have one more round coming to me sometime soon… I keep checking my email! LOL

    Have a great weekend…


    Lisa 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for the award Sarah!

    Good luck with your edits! I've been working on edits this week too, or at least trying to. I keep getting distracted. 🙂

    At least I don't have to worry about the cats holding my office chair hostage for tuna – it's the only chair in the house they don't steal. I wonder if that's a good or a bad thing? LOL

  3. Had a busy crazy week. Wanted to let you know you won second place in the contest on my blog. I'm waiting to hear from the first place winner as to which book she wants to read. Once she tells me that, you can decide and then I'll contact the third place winner. Congrats. Hope you enjoy the read.

  4. You are so welcome to the award, Sarah. Your blog is always so creative and interesting. I liked that you mentioned your gratitude for this year. It reminded me that I, who have been whiny lately, have a lot to be grateful for.–Inger

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