
Okay, I have to share this! I saw Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D IMAX today! It was so awesome. Wentworth Miller as Chris Redfield was great eye candy, and the action… wow! I haven’t seen too many 3D movies (My Bloody Valentine 3D was the last one), but this is definitely one to catch on the big screen and in 3D.

I also really enjoyed that aspects of the Resident Evil 5 game were included in the movie. My husband and I grinned at each other a few times during the movie. I think once we get settled into our new place, we’ll definitely be playing it again. In addition to that, we’ll be watching what we missed of Prison Break since our TV watching faded half-way through the show, which we both enjoyed, especially now that we have Netflix.

My only other news is that I finished reading The Ultimate Dracula Anthology by Byron Preiss. Someone had bought it for me a long time ago, but only picked it up now because my husband started reading it. For a book called The Ultimate Dracula, it sure didn’t have many stories focusing on Dracula. Some were just plain and simple vampire stories. Not many of them were any good.